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Friday, March 23, 2012

Sarasota is for Sailors......

While in Florida, we got to see the more expensive side of town.  It is called Sarasota.   We had lunch at the marina surrounded by luxury yachts.  Marcia invited one of her longtime friends, a retired teacher named Peggy Williams.  Peggy brought her beautiful granddaughter, Rachel.  Here are pictures of how the wealthy Floridians live:

The white building with the blue windows is the restaurant where we had lunch.

Here is a picture looking out to the marina.

Friends are friends forever.

Beautiful Rachel

I was having a bad hair day.
We took a stroll around the marina and looked at all the yachts.  This is one I "pretended" to own.   Since I can't afford any of them, I might as well pretend to own a big one.  ha ha

Determination- Jupiter, Fla.
The marina is right in the heart of downtown Sarasota.  Come take a stroll with us.

Marica is waiting on her slow brother.

Condos on the water.

After the stroll, it was time to get something cold to drink in the shade of a little thatched hut.

The reason I said "Sarasota is for Sailors" is because of an unusual statue memoralizing the celebration of V-J Day in Times Square.  You might remember a classic photo of a sailor kissing a nurse on the cover of Time.  Well, Sarasota has a bigger than life replica of that event.

The 26-foot, 6000 pound statue arrived in Sarasota in 2012 from San Diego, CA.  Some artsy folks in San Diego detested it and although it was the most popular tourist attraction in that park when it arrived on loan in 2007, complained until it was removed in 2011.  I am glad Sarasota welcomes this iconic replica of a historical moment.  Californian liberals hate anything patriotic or having to do with the U.S.A.  Good riddance to them!   One guy looked up the nurse's dress just for a photo op.  There is one in every crowd.

Later in the day, we went to see Marcia's school - Booker Elementary School.  Marcia has been a teacher for 38 years and loves her profession.  I have talked to her about retirement, but she says she has at least three more years.  John has quite a few more years before he wants to retire although the thought of fishing every day does appeal to him.  Here is Marcia in her element:

Heart of Booker Nation.

Mrs. Frederick Rules!

We are proud of you Marcia.

Showing off one of her class projects.
Our visit was just too short, but it was time for us to head home.  We drove back through the Florida panhandle and stopped in Tallahassie for the night.  I watched a large storm cell approaching which produced a lot of lightning.  My cat, Nawlins, and I sat in the dark and watched the storm pass through a tall stand of mature pine trees.  My little cat is fearless.  She isn't afraid of anything.  We stayed in Baton Rouge the next night before making it home the following day.  It was a great trip, but we are always glad to return home.   Thanks for riding along with us.

My two favorite sweeties - M&M.

Jungle Fever!

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